Making Friends in Dubai

If you've been following me for a while, then you know that Zach and I love booking long layovers within our travels. It's the perfect way to have a mini-trip as well as break up long hours of traveling! We just had our 3rd...

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I am all about a good pair of sneakers... I've been this way for as long as I can remember! My mom always reminds me that when I was little, my favorite pair of shoes were my hand-me-down black high top sneakers, haha...

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So we did the thing that bloggers do... we took pics with balloons to celebrate something special, haha! But what better way to celebrate my Instagram account reaching 10,000 followers!?! To some people that might not seem like enough for a celebration, but to me...

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Summertime with Fossil

A good leather bag is a necessity for living in NYC.  This is something that I quickly noticed when I first moved here... New Yorkers walk around carrying a lot of stuff-- and who has time to run home during the day to get whatever they need from place to place?!! Most of us...

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White Linen

Nothing says summer quite like white linen... It's the perfect light-weight fabric that's timeless and so easy to wear! As you guys already know, I work as a fit model. ((AKA a human mannequin that tries on clothes for designers as they are tweaking their designs before the production process begins.)) One of my fit clients is...

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