Holiday Gift Guide! (for her)

I can't believe we are less than *10 days* away from Christmas! If you are anything like me, then you are starting to feel overwhelmed because you haven't done all your Christmas shopping yet!! 

My side of the family as well as Zach's are each doing Christmas a little bit differently this year. We decided to draw names and do 'Secret Santa' since there are so many of us on either side, and getting a gift for each family member can get pretty expensive. (Not to mention trying to travel + bring along lots of presents in your suitcase is nearly impossible!)

It can be super stressful trying to pick out the perfect gift... so I decided to share a few of my favorite 'wish list' items this year to help save your time. (+ money!)

 Here are 10 different gift ideas for what to get any special female in your life :) ...or maybe even add along to your own personal wish list!

1. W H I T E    S N E A K E R S:

b/c everybody needs a pair of white sneakers...and there are LOTS to choose from out there!

Micheal Kor's via Macys -- $125

2. W I N T E R   C A N D L E : 

b/c you can never go wrong with a candle when it comes to females... especially during winter!

Diptyque Candle -- $60

3. B O O T S :

b/c these are the best looking boots I've ever seen for under $150!!! With the perfect sized heel!

Zara -- $119

4. C O F F E   M U G : 

b/c coffee...that's all.

Anthropologie Mug -- $7.50

5. F U R   T H R O W :

b/c baby, it's cold outside! And who doesn't want a fur throw these days?!

Target -- $29.74

6. T O T E   B A G :

b/c we have a lot of important stuff that we need to lug around...duh.

Urban Outfitters -- $54

7. M A K E   U P :

b/c it's perfect for everyday...and it fits perfectly in our new tote bag while leaving room for everything else!

Naked Palette via Sephora -- $29

8. C H U N K Y   K N I T : 

b/c do I really have to explain why this beautiful sweater is a necessity in life?

Aritzia -- $165


9. G H I L L I E    F L A T S : 

b/c everyone is doing it :) also, they might just be only flats that have ever been flattering. #realtalk

Top Shop -- $24

10. P L A I D   S C A R F :

b/c it doesn't matter if you have 10 others, you can never have enough!

Zara -- $25.90

Hope this helps with your Christmas shopping! <3

Xo- Tara