Step Back

Monday night I had the privilege of being a part of the Victorinox Swiss Army fashion show! Everyone knows Swiss Army for their knives, watches, and outdoorsman gear. However, for the past year I have been working as their fit model because they recently launched a small womenswear line. It's been a lot of hard work for everyone, and being able to see the full line completed and presented last night to their entire global team was amazing! Also, I got to walk in the fashion show! It was the first time I've ever gotten to be a part of a show that I actually fit all the garments for, and that was truly special and such an honor. On top of all of that, my husband was invited to come and watch!! I felt like a proud little kid showing off to my parents, haha.

The event was at Liberty House just over the Hudson River in New Jersey. It was an absolutely stunning venue that looked like it was straight from a movie set! It was catered with tons of delicious food and drinks, as well as an awesome DJ. Being a part of something like this just made me feel so thankful and appreciative to be living in this amazing city that offers so many unique opportunities!

I would love to encourage you all to take a step back every now and then and look at the work you have accomplished! If you are a doctor, look at all the patients you've been able to help and see the progress they have each made. If you're a teacher, look at all of the students you've been able to reach and watch them learn and grow in so many ways. If you work for a corporation, look at the input you've had individually and with your team and how much you've learned since you started.  If you're a photographer, look at how far you've come from when you got your first camera! Think of the incredible moments you've been able  to capture and how they have impacted your life and the lives of others. Life is precious and everyday is truly a gift! It's easy to forget that the work you're doing each and every day is actually making a difference. Don't forget to take a moment and reflect sometimes, as cheesy as it may sound, and give yourself some credit. I bet you're doing way better than you think you're doing— don't forget to take the time to notice!! :)

Xo- Tara