Cabin Time

Spending the holidays tucked away in a cabin in snowy Wisconsin was the perfect ending to 2015! The weeks leading into Christmas were super full! ((Aren't they always?!)) Work was busier than ever, there were so many fun Christmasy things to do in NYC as usual, lots of holiday parties to go to, and of course tons of Christmas shopping to do! I kept reminding myself that my time at the cabin was just around the corner and l would soon be able to relax with my husband and his beautiful family.  Sure enough, we were finally able to do just that! :)

The cabin was nothing short of stunning! It was super cozy complete with fireplaces, a hot tub, and absolutely breath-taking views. There were several massive windows overlooking a frozen lake in the backyard with beautiful trees surrounding us on all sides full of snow! Being born and raised in South Carolina, I didn't grow up seeing a ton of snow. And now living in NYC for the last 7 years, I've become more accustomed to snow... but in a totally different way. Don't get me wrong, the first few snowfalls in NYC are magical, but it quickly turns to gray slush, or even worse- ice. And of course the snow doesn't stop anything from happening in NYC. You still have to trek to work while trying to avoid slipping at any given moment, or stepping shin-deep into a giant puddle of slush that you were sure was solid ice. So needless to say, the fluffy Wisconsin snow was truly special to see and experience! I couldn't help but take advantage of my surroundings to share some of my favorite cabin-inspired winter looks! :)

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays! 

Xo- Tara


Jeans: Free People

Vest: Guess (sold out)

Thermal: Old Navy

Boots: Steve Madden (sold out)

Scarf: Neal Link